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Dental radiography is the crucial part of modern dentistry as it is the necessary tool for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Read more

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Dental radiography is the crucial part of modern dentistry as it is the necessary tool for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

The complicated structure of the tooth makes it vulnerable. Previously treated teeth have an even more complex structure with fillings, crowns and dental posts, making it harder to identify the cause of the disease. X-ray studies are extremely helpful for that.

Diagnostics, Treatment Planning and Control

Diagnostics is the essential part of the proper treatment. X-ray studies allow visualizing the infectious process, latent forms of caries, jaw joint diseases, fractures, developmental anomalies, etc.

X-ray diagnostics is necessary in case of pulpitis of the root canal. It allows to detect the place and possible cause of infection and to control the treatment process.

Modern equipment can also be used for x-ray-based computer modeling. It allows to plan the dentist’s manipulations during treatment, which greatly improves the results.


Radiography Equipment

The latest advances in radiography are quite impressive. The new generation of imaging equipment reduces radiation exposure, improves image quality, and pictures are now done instantly. X-ray studies are still contradicted for pregnant women but have become a lot safer for all other patients, including children with milk teeth.

GENDEX GXDP 700 3D CT scan is used for digital scanning and 3D modeling of the jaws. It also serves for panoramic dental x-ray that shows teeth, jaws, jaw joints and nasal sinuses.

GENDEX eXpert DC65 unit is designed for taking close-up images of a particular tooth. The first picture is taken for diagnostics before the treatment, the second picture — during treatment to control its progress. Finally, the last picture is taken for the quality control after the intervention.

Digital visiography unit GENDEX GXS 700 makes imagery quick and simple and projects the image directly onto the computer display. The unit’s sensor is highly sensitive and allows for a low level of radiation


Dear customers!
Here below you can find the price list of most popular dental services in our clinic.
This information is not public offer and can be changed by proprietor.


Name Price, ₽
First Dentist Consultation (up to 30 minutes) 3 200
Extended Dentist Consultation (more than 30 minutes) 6 900
First Consultation of Chief Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) 3 990
Follow-up Dentist Oral Exam 2 200
X -Ray (per image) 1 010
Panoramic X-Ray 4 200
3D CT scan 7 200

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