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Teeth maintenance is a top priority in dentistry. Unfortunately, it is not always possible. However, advanced methods, equipment and medications allow to perform even the most complicated tooth extraction operations effectively and with maximum comfort for the patient. Read more

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Teeth maintenance is a top priority in dentistry. Unfortunately, it is not always possible. However, advanced methods, equipment and medications allow to perform even the most complicated tooth extraction operations effectively and with maximum comfort for the patient.

Surgical indications

Tooth extraction is a measure of last resort recommended only if treatment is useless and tooth maintenance is dangerous. Teeth have to be extracted in case of tumor and cyst, severe stages of periodontitis, purulonecrotic inflammations. If the crown is fully destroyed, root extraction is needed. Nerve extraction is indicated in case of deep caries. Other indications for extraction include supplemental teeth, abnormal bite and problematic dentition of wisdom teeth.

Tooth extraction process

Initial diagnostics include X-ray and, if necessary, computer tomography. The dentist studies the model of the tooth and selects the optimal extraction method. To isolate the sense of discomfort during injection, anesthetic is applied to the gum. After checking the effect of anesthesia the surgeon starts the extraction procedure.

The operation consists of several stages: forceps are fixed on the tooth, the dentist loosens it carefully and gradually extracts it from the tooth socket. If necessary, the doctor makes cuts in the surrounding tissue, and the tooth is extracted by parts. The roots are extracted with the help of special forceps and elevators, and in especially complicated cases they are cut out.


Types of anesthesia

The procedures described above may seem terrifying, and they are indeed serious operations. That is why wetake our patients’ physical and mental state extremely seriously and select the best ways of anesthesia for them.

Depending on medical indications and customer preferences we use different types of anesthesia and their combinations. Local surface anesthesia is used for preparatory operations. Infiltration and conduction anesthesia block nerve impulses in the spot of anesthetic injection and around it.

In certain cases the operations are performed under general anesthesia. Sedation is indicated in cases of heart and blood pressure problems, intolerance to anesthetics, panic fear of dental treatment. The patient is monitored by a professional anesthesiologist. The advantages of sedation are general lack of inflammations and postsurgical complications.

Due to carefully selected anesthesia and advanced medications you will not suffer from pain no matter how long and complicated the procedure is. After tooth extraction the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications and recommend procedures for an early recovery.

Dear customers!
Here below you can find the price list of most popular dental services in our clinic.
This information is not public offer and can be changed by proprietor.


Name Price, ₽
First Dentist Consultation (up to 30 minutes) 3 200
Extended Dentist Consultation (more than 30 minutes) 6 900
First Consultation of Chief Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) 3 990
Follow-up Dentist Oral Exam 2 200
X -Ray (per image) 1 010
Panoramic X-Ray 4 200
3D CT scan 7 200


Name Price, ₽
Simple tooth extraction 6 010
Suturing (less than 5) 3 800
Vestibuloplasty 17 050
Preservation of hole after tooth removal (collagen sponge) 4 200
Retrograde filling of the tooth root (1 unit) 18 000

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